Sunday, July 11, 2010

Seedless TPB

My buddy Corey's webcomic Seedless is getting trade paper back'd early August, and he asked a couple of his artist friends to hook him up with some chapter covers. Anyways heres mine w/ and w/o the title that Corey added.

CBR did an interview with Corey about the comic that you may want to check out. In any case this was pretty fun to do. Also if you wanna watch this being made, I streamed pretty much the entire process outside of composing it. Since my livestream auto-records everything I do, all the videos of it can be found HERE. Also keep that link in mind so you can come visit me when I stream


  1. Very cool! I'll have to keep an eye out for this...

  2. GUUD DAMN! This heavy, dude. You've been turning everything you touch to Gold.
